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Sustainability Now!

Inequalities as an Obstacle to Achieving Sustainable Development

Ringvorlesung Nachhaltigkeitsteam UZH

The lecture series organized by the Right Livelihood Center UZH and the Sustainability Team UZH is taking place for the fourth time. The lecture series always opens with an introductory presentation by a winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize. The lectures by laureates do not fall within classic academic areas but instead demonstrate impressively how knowledge is operationalized in the field. Additionally, engaging with the award winners promotes inter-, trans-, and multidisciplinary ways of thinking. This is because their achievements, for example in the areas of human rights or ecology, cannot be clearly assigned to a single field of study. The topic of sustainability and inequalities is explored from various perspectives. Each evening, alongside the winners, there will be a representative from research and civil society on the podium.


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Organized by

Sustainability Team UZH
Dr. Jeannette Behringer, Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Forschung und Lehre
PD Dr. Aline Steinbrecher, Leiterin Right Livelihood Centre, UZH