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International Networks

UZH’s wide variety of international touchpoints in teaching, combined with new forms of student mobility, serve to expand students’ horizons and their personal networks. Universities are increasingly joining forces across national borders in order to offer students new, future-oriented opportunities for international experience and innovative joint learning formats.

Expanding Horizons

Through the funding line global_innovation, UZH supports projects that aim to provide students with a wide range of international experiences. We therefore support the development of structural collaboration with partner institutions – through module exchanges, double or joint degree programs, summer/winter/method schools and through international online learning modules. We also work to develop joint degree programs and “micro-credentials” that are designed to make educational pathways more flexible.
UZH Teaching Fund: global_innovation

Member of the Una Europa Alliance

New partnerships are currently springing up between universities and offer great potential for innovation when it comes to teaching. Shared virtual campuses are being developed, online learning resources are being shared, and experimental, innovative forms of student mobility are being created. UZH has been a member of Una Europa, the alliance supported by the European Universities Initiative, since May 2022. It is actively involved in planning and implementing academic programs which will also benefit UZH students.
UZH 明升体育_明升体育备用网址-app|平台|官网: Una Europa Boosts European Cooperation
Global Affairs UZH: Una Europa Network